Date: June 4, 2014 By:
Sunday, June 1 was a beautiful day for a walk… The 29th annual AIDS Walk Boston & 5K Run that is!
For the 18th year in a row, Team Ragon walked with the goal, not only of raising money, but also of raising awareness. As the 78 team members joined the thousands who flooded through the streets of Boston that Sunday morning, all were reminded of the impact HIV/AIDS has on individuals, families and the community.
Ragon Institute/Intersystems AIDS Walk Team 2014
Many team members ran the 5K course, with Colin Ogilvie, Research Technician in Dr. Todd Allen’s lab, leading the pack and placing second overall of all runners with a time of 16:08.0.
AIDS Walk Boston is the largest annual fundraising event for AIDS Action Committee (AAC), a Boston-based service organization providing support for individuals infected with HIV/AIDS. AAC cares for 1 in 6 living with HIV/AIDS in Massachusetts. Of those, 50% of HIV-positive clients are co-infected with hepatitis C; 80% are struggling with unmet mental health needs and/or substance use issues; 85% are homeless; and 90% live on a household income of $9,800 per year. AAC aims to not only treat a disease but to understand the complex needs of the people affected and how those needs impact their health.
Bonnie Gunn, Kristina Bradford, Patrick Burke Anne Stevenson, Matt Schoen and Dave Bean.
This year, Team Ragon raised $23,155 to support AAC’s service programs, putting them in third place for total fundraising. Ragon Institute Director, Dr. Bruce Walker placed second overall in total individual fundraising by raising $8,376, and several other Ragon team members placed in the top 50. As of today, the event raised $618,320.66 un-restricted funds.
Team Ragon was co-captained by Alyssa Clark of the Ragon Institute and Monika Kratzman of InterSystems. In the months and weeks leading up to the walk, Alyssa and Monika sent reminders, created incentive programs, and encouraged walkers and donors alike.The team even hosted a fundraising event at Beat Hotel in Harvard Square joined by AIDS Action’s new President Carl Sciortino. This year also featured a new team t-shirt designed by Ragon Institute Communications Manager, Sarah Sullivan.
Ragon Institute Director, Bruce Walker and Ragon Team co-captain Monika Kratzmann (InterSystems).
“We had an enthusiastic team this year, so it was fun to be able to raise awareness and funds for AIDS Walk,” said team co-captain Alyssa Clark. “And we will continue our support in years to come!”
“AIDS Action and Ragon Institute are two sides of the same coin,” observed AAC Executive Director, Carl Sciortino. “Together, we can create a world with zero new infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths.”
It’s not too late to make a gift!