This year’s Ragon AIDS Walk Team broke all records for team members and amount of money raised for local support for Massachusetts HIV/AIDS services.
Team Ragon walkers and runners: Colin Ogilvie, Kim Hassell, Jessica Johnson, Meghan Hart, and Molly Amero
The team had a record 118 members made up of persons both from the Ragon Institute and InterSystems, up from 93 last year and Team Ragon exceeded their $50K goal by raising a grand total of $50,382.62 making Ragon the second highest fundraising team for AIDS Walk 2013!
Ragon Institute Director Dr. Bruce Walker single-handedly raised $18,290, the second highest of all fundraisers, not just from Team Ragon, but from all AIDS Walk fundraisers.
The team exceeded previous fundraising efforts by working closely with their AIDS Action Committee representatives, Nathaniel Fink and Jacoba van Heugten to host a raffle fundraiser at the Asgard Irish Pub and Restaurant on May 13th. Enthusiastic leadership from Team Ragon’s number two fundraiser, Monika Kratzmann of Intersystems, also pushed up the number of participants for this year’s event.
AIDS Walk Boston is the largest fundraising event of the year for AIDS Action Committee (AAC), a Boston-based service organization providing support for individuals infected with HIV/AIDS. Since 1986, over 300,000 people have participated in AIDS Walk Boston. The money raised during the event and throughout the year provides vital services to over 2,500 clients, helping with healthcare management, legal assistance, utility assistance and counseling. AAC also conducts statewide prevention programs in conjunction with the State of Massachusetts and is involved in essential advocacy and policy efforts.
Team Ragon organizer Alyssa Clark fundraises at Alexandria Real Estate’s Farmer’s Market & Spring Shopping Marketplace, April 10th.
On the day of the walk, June 2, team members arrived early for a photo on the stage of the Hatch Shell, a prize won for being the team to get closest to 100% member fundraising than any of its Gold Team competitors. Afterward, despite the intense heat, team members walked the streets of Boston or ran the 5K the course. Volunteers also staffed a Ragon tent on the Esplanade, providing information about our research to curious passersby.
“Everyone really pushed their fundraising to help us reach our goal to make Ragon one of the top teams!,” said team captain Alyssa Clark. “I am glad I was able to be your captain this year, and I look forward to another great fundraising effort for AIDS Action next year!”
The event may be over but its not too late to donate to the cause!